Sudbury Working Group

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I'm a media activist, producer, and educator. I live to see a world more just, more sane, and where corporations and big business are relieved of their current position of dominance. I believe in the tenants of non-violence and "people before profits" and ecological sensitivity and awareness. As the proud father of a new baby girl and I am dedicated to supporting, in any way I can, improvements toward a future that features sound, sustainable and more egalitarian living standards for all.

Portrait de climatefast

ClimateFast is holding our second fast and vigil on Parliament Hill (Sept 21 to Oct 2,, 2013). We are hungry for climate leadership!

Our purpose is to draw attention to the misery we are unleashing on our children and on this living world. We appeal to our policy makers to take aggressive steps to reduce our emissions. We ask you to contact your government representatives and demand urgent action on these goals:

end fossil fuel subsidies
put a price on carbon
support the development of a renewable energy plan for Canada
We encourage you to join in our fast for a day or more, on Parliament Hill, or organize an event in your community.

Our action is a peaceful and hopeful one. We aim to inspire people and decision makers in Canada to find the courage and wisdom to press for, and put into action, the urgent measures needed to assure a safe climate.

We suggest that you write letters to the editor of your local newspapers with the same demands.

The site for the Sudbury working-group of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.



About the Sudbury Working Group

The Sudbury working-group of The Media Co-op was formed to create independent media in the North, to speak to our issues and outlooks on our communities as well as the world around us. Independent media provides an avenue for people who are wishing to gain critical perspective on the issues that matter most to us, and to give a voice to those people and stories that you won't find in the mainstream media.

The Sudbury working-group site is no longer being updated and has been archived.